(Mount Sajama, at 6530m Bolivia's highest Mountain)
"BUENAS DIAS AMIGO", we announced as jovially as our hearts could muster, our faces grinning from ear to ear. We were dutyfully queing up to pay our exit taxes. This time the guy didn’t even look up. "That’s 15 bolivianos". Not even a please. Ah well. Worth a try.

(Llamas on the Altiplano)
I dozed away whilst driving past flamingo filled lakes, over-shadowed by 6 and half thousand meter mountains and llama filled plains. I awoke to a nudge from Raul, "Jerry look". My eyes were only open for a couple of seconds when I was looking for my bottle of water. We were driving through the Atacama desert, the driest part of Planet Earth, and just looking at it made me thirsty.

(Atacama Desert)
Because of all the time we’d lost in Bolivia, we were skipping half the country and meeting Mireya in Santiago. Passing through this desert, which makes the Sahara look like a swamp, was my only touristic consolation of the north.
Our 40 hour bus journey was concluded with a visit to Bohemian neighbourhood "Barrio Brasil", where we marveled at how beer could be poured vertically from a bottle into a glass, never spilling out the side.
The next day, Mireya emerged, late, and we explored the sights of Santiago. The common consensus was that we were in a European city. Other than the nearby Andes, which were slightly hazed over, there was no indication that we were in fact in South America. Not even from the faces or clothing of the people. Climbing the inner-city Cerro Santa Lucia, we were allowed a full view of this 5 million metropolis. We met an architect who pointed out the "Estadio Olympico". Or was that me and Raul re-enacting a scene from "Something about Mary"?

(Estadio Olympico)
From Constitution square we entered the Palacio de la Moneda, the president’s palace, which was guarded by a giant. No wonder Chile’s so safe. In the square they were hosting an event to commemorate "International Woman’s Day", so we had to nice to Mireya for the rest of the day.

(Presidential palace, you can just make out the Giant guard's head above Mireya's)
My fondest memory of Santiago was the "Completo’s". Basically a hot-dog, but stuffed with avocado. Yummy. Try it.
Even though I am spending 365 days in Latin America, there are times when even the measliest unit of a single day cannot be spared. Forfeiting a Lenny Kravitz concert in Santiago was one such situation, much to Mireya's dismay. The simple fact is, you cannot be flexible when you have people flying in to meet you. In 13 days I had to in Buenos Aires to meet Gina.
Bypassing the world renowned wine regions, we aren't even afforded a drop. Nope, if I want to try Chilean wine it will have to be back in Ramsgate I'm afraid. Though I do blame Raul and Mireya, as one day I had suggested we drink some supermarket wine in the street just so we could say we'd tried it; but no....they are too refined for that!
Around the same time as someone is blaring out "Are you gonna go my way", a few blocks away (Lenny Kravitz), we board the night bus to Valdivia. 12 hours south and along the Pacific, we had heard from somewhere that you can get a tower of beer from this pleasant student town. We are greeted by a nice lady at the bus station offering lodgings in her house. But as soon as we got there she turned into crazy-nazy lady, among other things, regimentally monitoring that in the 24 hours we were to be in Valdivia, we were only allowed 1 shower each. If one of us went to the toilet she would stand outside and listen to determine if we were trying to sneak a shower.
These are always the risks you take when you opt for homestays over hostels. Ah well!
After spending the day exporing the nearby beach resort and fortress, we were served lunch by a man who had been a waiter for over 50 years. Remarkably he still had a smile on his face.
(Pacific coast off Valdivia)
The university ground had a botanical garden with trees from all over the world offering us a pleasant afternoon stroll and nap. We didn't afterall, want to nap back at crazy-nazi ladies house.
Next, we were perfumed up and ready to exploit the real resaon we were here. We had located the tower. It was in a bar called Chopp and the tower was actually called "The Rocket". You could say we demolished the twin towers (we drank two Rockets), and readying to order our third we discover the bar was now closing. We also discover that the table across the way has only two guys, but enough beer to feed us all. We look over at them all puppy-eyed for a few moments before they kindly invite us over to join them. Ten minutes later we are walking to their house with a quick stop off to buy some Pisco Sour. One day you may have the misfortune to sample this lethal concoction for yourselves.

(The famous "Rocket")
It rendered both me and Raul crazy. After falling out of our new friends house some hour or so later, Raul was running away from us, and I was hiding from them. Magically we all got back to the homestay.
Something dreadful happened the following morning. And nothing to do with our hostess breaking our feet or tying us up like Kathy Bates in "Misery". Mireya lost her passport.
As you can imagine, the early morning 2 hour bus journey, was spent snoring on all parts, when we woke up to find Mireya's bag had been stolen. A bit of cash, a book, a digital camera and the passport. The timing was impeccable on the nuisance's part, as were just about to leave the country. Argentina was calling. But not for Mireya. Me and Raul dumped her there and continued on without her to Argentinian chocloate town Bariloche.
Next: What happened to Mireya and what was her reaction to me and Raul ditching on her like that in......Adventures of Argentina
Maybe it was not written in your destiny drinking chilean wine in Chile, not even in any other southamerican country!!!... I still have unopen the two bottles I bought in my chilean trip last year... and you sleeped nearly five months under the same roof of them!!!
How much did you get for the camera and passport jerry? I hear passports are in high demand in latina. But a word of advice dont hang around with the purchasee!
But for real i'm itching to know what happend!
Where you gona be in late January?
Sorry Jerry,
Do you remember a Yorkshire man from down under, let me remind you, let me set the scene.
A 12 hour drinking binge financed by numerous victories you notched up in the pool tournys of Sydney CBD/Kings Cross. A morning bright of sun, sat out side MacDonalds drinking coffee to nurse our sorry hangovers while we tried to muster the strenght to find our diggs. The words of motorvation you offered were timeless 'hey man we're on the otherside of the planet, I'm so glad i'm here'
Cheers Jerry, and do let me know where you are in Jan I have two weeks with no final destination.
Yeah i am reading them Jerry, but what i want to know is if soap is cheaper in South America?
Okay okay! I read and re-read every one of your group emails you bloody pikey and I enjoy doing so. My favourite was the scam at the beginning of your trip in the hotel buffet, close call...It almost made me feel proud of you!!!!! I´m not really into blogging myself so I´ll send you more personal email to your mailbox.
Always use protection kids!
You defenetly forgot the most important thing... i twisted my poor uncle in Valdivia and for that i blame you! i coudn´t walk properly for the next month ha ha ha...nice job man, look foreward for the Argentina charpter, thanks again and take care, my greetings to Mireya and Gina
Hi Jeremiah, Fran here. Good to see you have not lost either your adventurous spirit or your miserly, scavenging ways... but that's probably why I'm at home and you're in S. America for a year! Keep safe and try to show the women some more respect, hmm?
Hopkinson here.
Check the meaning.
Some things to add and make the story clearer:
Considering that I didn't know if you and Raul had made it to the border (key roads in Bolivia had been blocked) that I didn't know if you were in Santiago, that i spent half and hour looking for an internet cafe (just to see if you had been kind enought to tell me you were already in Santiago) that I had to look for the two of you at three possible hostals and most important, that you never told me a meeting time and later on told me that had reckoned I was arriving at 1:00 pm and I actually did at 1:30 pm... I think I did pretty damned good and I WASN'T LATE! And about the bus where I had my bag stolen...you forgot to include the serie of events that made us take that bus (me and Raul didn't want to take that specific bus coz it meant walking 2 km and he had a bad ankle) and as you said here in Bogota, they were mostly your responsibility! I have forgiven you =) but still think you owe me big for that!
Okay, Okay you lazy bastard I read it!! MC
hi Jeremiah,
first i am glad that you have shortened your colums because when they go on and on and on and on they just become intolerable...so well done!
i think that is really cool that you ditched the girl but then i thought she must be ugly because if either of you had wanted to get with her you would have helped!
have fun!
Maldito perro...
I've read it, yes!! Haven't gotten round to sending Gina ur stuff yet, but I will...
Itching to know whether u'll include the superfabulous and fantastic ME in ur next chapter!
Still miss u.
PS: Sold the house, next time u'll have to stay in a shittier place!!
PS2: No news about the sock, I'm afraid
i wonder did you go down the road to visit the cilento cailltayenta just down the road from the stadium whilst you were in chile?
nice place...
Hey there Jerry, your adventures fill me with joy and they make me laugh so much! I wait longing for the next installment everytime i read them!
That beer story reminded me of the time when we were drinking in Melbourne at the $1 bar and bottle shop, and yes that bar was about to close.....so you and Kev thought that you would go and stock up for the four of us!
OH MY GOD i look up from my seat and see you walking back to us with two tray of beer! Im sure there were over 20 glasses for the 4 of us to drink up within the next 30 mins!!!!!!!
Keep having fun babe, Vikki
Brilliant stories Jerry. Keep up the good work!!
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