Tuesday, 13 March 2007
USA - Rockies
USA - West Coast
The first ever Starbucks was established in Seattle in 1971. I’m not really into conglomerate spending, but we found the original café (not green and white like all the others) and indulged in Orange Mocha Frappacinos. Michael was acting a bit grumpy and when I asked him what was up, he told he was “Sleepless in Seattle”. Idiot!
So believe it or not, the few good things we all aspire to do in life, really do make a difference.
It was Michaels last night of his North American expeditions before returning to the grind (he is a miller), so he treated me to a 1st class dinner and champagne in the Seattle Space Needle, with its revolving platform restaurant. Actually we tried to sneak up there for a free view of the city, got caught and to save face ACTUALLY went into the restaurant. Thanks Michael.
With Michael gone, I was fortunate to make friends with an exotic dancer who said I could crash with her for as long as I liked. I stayed a week. Every night we went to Goth clubs, so temporarily, I became a Goth.
I didn’t even know the Stones were in town. Doubtful of their authenticity, we go the arena the next night to find out they are real, sell the other tickets for almost a hundred dollars (take my friends my ass), and are rocked by the biggest rock act on earth. After the concert, Lilo (her stage name, she wouldn’t let me call her Angela in case clients overheard) said I could keep the money, saying she earned 500 dollars that day. But I said we should share it so we made an evening out of it: taxis, drinks, dinner etc.
From one grunge and happening west coast city to another, I say goodbye to Lilo and take the greyhound to Portland. Here I would hook up with a friend I met in Central America, Tino.
Only a couple days ago he had been fired from his bar work, immediately after being made “Employee of the year”. He was caught taking shots with the customers. But he had a voucher for him and another person to eat at his restaurant, which was ordinarily very expensive.
So we made an appearance much to the dismay of the boss, and “steaked out”. Even the tip would have cost 20 dollars, but luckily his friend was the waiter!
Tino had 20 dollars to his name and the rent man was knocking. But all this pressure on him somehow made him not have a care in the world and so for 3 days we enjoyed living like homeless bums, playing music in bars, drinking from the second we awoke (late in the afternoon of course) and basically painting the town red. I was sorry to ditch him so low a point in his life, but I wanted to get to my aunties in southern Oregon for Halloween.
It took me so long to cross the state that in the end I spent Halloween in famous hippy town Eugene. I accidentally went to a thrash metal concert, and for the first time in my life, for no reason at all, a girl bought me drink. An hour later the same thing happened, only this time it was two girls. Ah Eugene!!!
I hadn’t seen my auntie or cousins since I was 7 or 8. I barely remembered them, but they welcomed me with open arms. I stayed for a few days, learnt some juicy family secrets, stuffed my face every day (you know how aunties are) and left the state a good few kilos heavier.
Next stop San Francisco. I had been here 4 years earlier directly after losing all my money to the casinos in Nevada. I had called home and begged dad for some funds and received enough to get me to my flight in LAX. So this time (being so much wiser) I had to go to Alcatraz.
They really let you roam free around the former prison island. An ex inmate (an Australian caught robbing a bank) was there signing autographs for his new autobiographic release.
My good friend Ponch who was living in one of the Frisco hills leant me his bike to explore places like the “Crookedest street in the world” and go across the Golden Gate Bridge (the most photographed in the world) and basically bust my chops cycling in this anti-Amsterdam terrain. If you remember the car chase scenes in the Dirty Harry movies, then you will know how up and down and up and down the whole city is.