Alberta Plate
A few years ago I asked a lady and her daughter to take a photograph of me somewhere along the Italian coast. One thing led to another and they ended up buying me ice-cream, dinner and putting me up for the night.
I was on one of my spend nothing, hitching and camping trips, so this all came as a luxurious treat. They even gave me 5 Euros pocket money when we said goodbye the next day.
Shelagh, Bill the boys and the cute charming one
They were from Calgary, the next town we were headed to, so it was time to pay them back. By getting fed and sheltered again of course.
It was so nice to see them again (I didn’t get to catch up with the same daughter, rather a sister and her husband Bill). Around the dinner table Shelagh recollected that she had taken me in in Italy because I had come across charming and cute. All heads turn towards me to try and understand for the life of them what she could possibly have meant. I nod in agreement.
The area we had to commando around
The next day Bill takes us all to his favourite spot. A 50ft cliff jump into glacier cold water. If this wasn’t daring enough, the site had since been bought off by a development agency, which was patrolled 24 hours a day. We had to do a commando past the armed security, diving in and out of bushes, probably past cougars and bears to get to the cliff. When two of them had jumped off I knew I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t go through with it, though it was the single scariest thing I have ever done. Mark went last and landed awkwardly. He was instantly paralysed. We thought he was a gonner. I couldn’t stop laughing.
4 daring heroes
We had to commando our way back out, this time coming fractions away from getting caught, but my army communications to the group pulled off and got us back to the car unscathed. Bill had to rush back to work, so we headed off to Canmore and Banff.
Mark can barely stand, his back hurts so much
Massive on the tourist map, we only really passed through these winter wonderlands. No one can deny how breathtaking it was. Near Banff we heard of some hot springs, but the boys refused to pay 7 dollars to wallow in “Pool” as they called it. We would find some wild hot springs somewhere instead.
The area around the cliff jump - beautiful Ceebey
The last stop we made in Alberta was a visit to Lake Louise where we warmed our bones with our usual meal – a sachet of noodles and boiling water. We weren’t at all prepared for the high altitude weather. After all, (Jim Carrey Voice “We’re in the Rockies”).
Full on noodles in Lake Louise
Needless to say, I froze that night, only surviving it because of a blanket that Shelagh had given me.
Lake Louise
The second highest waterfalls in Canada are your first attraction when crossing over into Beautiful British Colombia. Total height of 384m the Takakkaw Falls are fed by the Daly Glacier on top of the mountain.
Takakkaw Falls

Takakkaw falls river
Known as the “other lake”, (referring to the popularity of Lake Louise), Emerald Lake is every bit as enchanting as its counterpart. I overheard a tour guide saying that “The Edge” was filmed in the area, and not in Alaska where it’s set. You could easily imagine you were in Alaska.

Emerald Lake
We had heard from someone about some secret wild hot springs down in the Kootenays. To get there we had to drive away from the Rockies and into the next mountain range – the Columbia Mountains. After 2 hours, we were to take a free ferry across the Upper Arrow Lakes, then ask the locals to let us in on the secret location.
The ferry guy, after making sure no one could hear us, whispered the following instructions: Drive past two bridges, take a left onto a dirt road and drive 11km. Walk left into the forest for 10 minutes and you will arrive at the natural wild hot springs.
Free ferry from Shelter Bay to Galena Bay
We came across a crazy naked guy who took us to a secret location WITHIN this secret location. Lucky us!
To appease Glen, we all went naked and dipped our travel weary bodies into 3 pools of deliciously piping hot spring water, coming from the ground. Just behind us we can hear a waterfall crashing down into the freezing glacier stream beside us, which is full of spawning salmon.
Another guy, David from Switzerland, helped Glen collect wood for a fire while we prepared our tent. Glen supplied all the alcohol for an evening of lying naked under the stars and sharing secrets in the hot tub.
David and the fire beside the hot springs
The next day we all head out together in the direction of hippy town Nelson, but don’t quite make it. We had picked up a hitchhiker on the way, who had invited us all back to his farm for lunch.
Brent's family
It turns out Brent and his family, were entirely self sufficient, living totally off the fat of the land. Dinner came straight from the garden; Mark helped pick the beans, while I was out chopping wood. Simon was making a kitten house with the kids. Invariably, I had been calling Mark a “City Slicker” throughout our trip. We all walked away from that experience humbled and enlightened.
Brent's farm in the Slocan Valley
Playing with the kids (of course they have no TV or anything like that
On the way to Vancouver we stopped off at the Okanagan Valley. The wine capital of Canada, we tried some surprisingly good wines. The valley is famous for having the only desert in Canada, and the scene of most of the seasonal fruit-picking.
In a town called Penticton, two lakes are joined together by a man made channel, which we went down on Tubes, drinking beer and telling more secrets. Glen lost again, but fresh out of secrets his forfeit was attempting a handstand which he failed miserably, falling back into the channel.
Tubing the Channel between Skaha and Okanagan Lakes
A last night of camping in the wild before a final journey in our car across Manning National Park, which was so smoky due to nearby massive forest fires in Washington State. Sadly the car was due back in Vancouver. But not before we had clocked up over 5500km. Fortunately we had unlimited miles.
Our last night of camping with bears (Mark caught with his knickers down)
We reach the Pacific at Wreck Beach, Glen’s favourite and of course a nudist beach just outside downtown Vancouver. Watching the sunset over the Ocean I ask Simon if he realizes he has just driven from the Atlantic to the Pacific at the widest point of the Americas. He looks on in silence. We both felt like pioneers.
Two young pioneers